Friday, March 7


Laser Hair Removal New Jersey Style

For decades in this country men and women alike have been in search of the best way to remove hair and keep it off. A smooth, hairless body seems to be a trend that is here to stay as people are discovering its benefits and how easy it can really be to maintain such a look. Whether suffering from the excessive hair growth of hirsutism or simply looking to keep unwanted hair off, there are many methods, but none quite as long lasting and easy as laser hair removal New Jersey. How Laser Hair Removal Works Laser hair removal can be as specific and targeted as the few stray hairs on the eyebrows. At the same time it can remove hair from large areas such as the back and legs. The specific, targeted beam of light can zoom in on the roots of hair anywhere. This light then deadens the root cau...

Hair Removal By Waxing

The dictionary defines waxing as: 'a temporary method of hair removal which removes the hair at the root. New hairs do not grow back in the waxed area for three to eight weeks. Almost any area of the body can be waxed, including eyebrows, face, bikini area, legs, arms, back, abdomen and feet'. But don't be fooled into thinking that waxing is for women only. Today's fashion trends have men waxing their bodies for cosmetic reasons, and many athletes such as bodybuilders and swimmers have been waxing for years. Most waxes are comprised of some proportional mixture of paraffin or beeswax, natural oils or fats, and a specially designed resin to help the wax adhere to the skin. Some brands of wax add Vitamin E or other supplements. If you think that you might want to try waxing, the first s...
Facial Hair Removal For Women

Facial Hair Removal For Women

For women their face is one of the most crucial parts of their body. Almost all women have daily regimen in caring their face. Make up, lipstick, eyebrow, face powder and other cosmetics are girls' things that use in their face to make them look pleasant and beautiful.However, how does it feel when your face is different from other girls? Facial hair is so disgusting and embarrassing but why does hair grows in the face? The answer is simply genetics. It runs in blood, so if your mother, grandmother or any in your family clan has facial hair (mustache) then probably the children will be having the same. Another reason is due to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. This condition affects almost 10% of women on their reproductive age and one of its symptoms is unnecessary hair growth. However, not al...
Can Breast Implants Be Damaged by Laser Hair Removal?

Can Breast Implants Be Damaged by Laser Hair Removal?

Those stupid stray hairs just keep coming back no matter how many times you shave, pluck or wax. You've tried everything but laser hair removal because you are afraid it will damage your breast implants. A laser is hot and intense- wouldn't it melt or pop the implant as a result? Your imagination goes into overdrive as you remember that scene from Star Wars where the death-star targets a planet with its lasers and the planet explodes into oblivion. Ok, now you imagine this happening inside your body and you decide maybe you can live with those stray hairs. Here's a reality check that should put your mind at ease.First of all, you should know exactly how the laser works. The area being treated is very specific and the light from the laser is attracted to dark pigments such as the melanin in...
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Different Types of …

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Different Types of …

BladeAdvantages: There are now new types of blades for female hair removal, which is perfectly adapted to the parts of our body and include a lubricant material (usually of aloe) in the base, leaving the skin smooth and moisturized. Furthermore after you remove the hair can apply a post-depilatory cream that will calm you. This typed of hair removal does not remove a lot of time, because only you have to apply to the skin and shave. There are products suitable for sensitive skin and reduce the risk of allergy to this type of hair removal.Disadvantages: This method does not start from the root hair, but it shaved at skin level. I only recommend this method of hair removal in case of emergency, as the hair comes out more strongly, although not as much is said. Hair grows an average of 6.3 mi...
Electrolysis – Electrifying Hair Removal

Electrolysis – Electrifying Hair Removal

Electrolysis is a hair removal process that works by inserting a fine needle into the hair follicle, (the skin depression from which the hair emerges), and disabling the hair root either by heat or chemical action and sometimes both at the same time. Each hair is treated individually.Electrolysis is most suitable for removing female facial hair, but it can be used on almost any part of the body. There are millions of people who have solved the embarrassing problem of excess hair with the help of the hair removal method of electrolysis.Electrolysis hair removal was developed around 1869 by an ophthalmologist, a medical doctor specializing in the treatment of diseases of the eye, Charles Michel, who sought a way to safely and effectively remove ingrown eyelashes which frequently caused blind...
Facial Hair Removal For Women – Top Ways  To Lose the H…

Facial Hair Removal For Women – Top Ways To Lose the H…

Troubled by excess facial hair? You are not alone millions of women spend billions of dollars dealing with bushy eyebrows, an overgrown upper lip, fuzzy cheeks and hairy chins. But the options for facial hair removal for women are greater than ever. Here are some top ways to lose the hair.The first consideration will be to rule out hormonal and other medical issues for the hair. Certain conditions and medications can cause excess hair so a trip to your physician would be a good step to take.After you have ruled out any medical conditions consider your options. Keep in mind that there is only one FDA approved method for PERMANENT removal and that is electrolysis. Electrolysis kills the follicle and thus removes the hair. However, electrolysis is time consuming when you have a large area of ...
Why Should You Choose Laser Hair Removal?

Why Should You Choose Laser Hair Removal?

For most women, the way they look is of utmost importance and they will go to great lengths to ensure that they look good. Unwanted hair is perhaps one of the most important issues that women all over the world face each day. They would want to enjoy smooth hairless arms, armpits and legs each day and while there are several methods of achieving the same, there are few that offer a long-term option.For instance, if you shave your hair, you will notice stubble by the next day. Similarly, waxing and hair removal creams also will also last only for a few days. However, these days there are more professional methods of hair removal and laser is one of them.In this article, we will look at all the aspects associated with laser hair removal.Let's first start with what exactly laser hair removal ...

Get Rid Of Unwanted Face & Body Hair With Laser Hai…

Lots of women and men feel concerned about the excessive amount of hair they find growing on different parts of their body, however, there are a number of options available for them to consider when it comes to removing any unwanted hair. You might consider different methods like; shaving, depilatory creams, waxing, plucking or electrolysis, but one of the most popular cosmetic procedures used today is laser hair removal.Women of all ages regularly use at least one method of hair removal, but in general younger women are more likely to keep on top of their hair removal regime. Shaving, waxing, threading and creams can turn into a very time-consuming lifetime chore, and these treatments often cause annoying skin irritations, ranging from mild to severe and they can last for days or weeks. T...
Arm Hair Removal – The Pros and Cons of Electrolysis

Arm Hair Removal – The Pros and Cons of Electrolysis

When it comes to arm hair removal, electrolysis presents its own laundry list of pros and cons that you need to consider before you commit to this procedure. There's no need to rush into anything. Take your time and make sure you're making the right decision for you, your skin, and your financial circumstances. There are many different options for you and you should look into them all before making any drastic decisions.The Pros of Electrolysis for Removing Arm HairIt's effective. If you're considering electrolysis to aid in your efforts to remove arm hair you've selected a method that can be very effective at not only removing arm hair but also keeping it from coming back. In other words, the results can be long lasting in the right circumstances. When it comes to arm hair removal this is...