Tuesday, January 28

Tag: hair removal for women

Facial Hair Removal For Women

Facial Hair Removal For Women

For women their face is one of the most crucial parts of their body. Almost all women have daily regimen in caring their face. Make up, lipstick, eyebrow, face powder and other cosmetics are girls' things that use in their face to make them look pleasant and beautiful.However, how does it feel when your face is different from other girls? Facial hair is so disgusting and embarrassing but why does hair grows in the face? The answer is simply genetics. It runs in blood, so if your mother, grandmother or any in your family clan has facial hair (mustache) then probably the children will be having the same. Another reason is due to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. This condition affects almost 10% of women on their reproductive age and one of its symptoms is unnecessary hair growth. However, not al...
Facial Hair Removal For Women – Top Ways  To Lose the H…

Facial Hair Removal For Women – Top Ways To Lose the H…

Troubled by excess facial hair? You are not alone millions of women spend billions of dollars dealing with bushy eyebrows, an overgrown upper lip, fuzzy cheeks and hairy chins. But the options for facial hair removal for women are greater than ever. Here are some top ways to lose the hair.The first consideration will be to rule out hormonal and other medical issues for the hair. Certain conditions and medications can cause excess hair so a trip to your physician would be a good step to take.After you have ruled out any medical conditions consider your options. Keep in mind that there is only one FDA approved method for PERMANENT removal and that is electrolysis. Electrolysis kills the follicle and thus removes the hair. However, electrolysis is time consuming when you have a large area of ...

The Female Shaving Heads Trend and Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is an option that women may look into instead of shaving their head because of the high maintenance of a daily shave, and the discomfort of ingrown hairs. Laser hair removal is a real and viable alternative to actual shaving of the head for women.Reasons for the Female Shaving Head TrendSome women want to shave and "go bald" because they look and feel good that way. Others may have a hair-loss disorder such as alopecia and want to embrace baldness by shaving their head rather than try to disguise or hide it. Still other women may shave their scalp for charity or as a fashion statement.Appreciating Your Own Inner BeautyWhatever the reason for female head shaving or baldness, we would encourage you to embrace the vision of your beauty as a person - to see your own value as...